Oxley Nature Center

Splash Day (400X400)Picnic in the Park (400X400)Kids4Christ  K- 5th Grade, our younger students can join us with a parent chaperone.   Come dressed to hike through a few trails at the nature center.  Upon finishing our hike and scavenger hunt we will eat a picnic in Mohawk Park and play in the splash pad and playground equipment.  Please wear swim wear under clothes and bring towels, bug spray, sunscreen, water shoes and a sack lunch.  Parents are welcome to join us.  Please be prepared to pay a $2.00 parking fee if you drive separate.  Meet at the church at 9:15 am pick up time is 1:00 pm at the church gym.  This is the first event so make sure you bring you medical release form or be prepared to complete one.  Youth group students are welcome and will earn service hours.